To reduce the number of telemarketing calls, you can place your name on the National Do Not Call registry by calling 1-888-382-1222 or go online at
Dolby Digital Surround Sound is an advanced form of digital audio coding that makes it possible to store and transmit high-quality digital sound far more efficiently than previously possible. It exploits characteristics of human hearing and gives a listener/viewer a more realistic feeling.
The movie studios adhere to a distribution schedule that includes guidelines for theatrical release, video store release, in-home pay-per-view, and now On DEMAND. As On DEMAND viewing of movies becomes more popular, we anticipate that the studios may make their movies available earlier.
New titles appear every week.
There is no monthly fee for On DEMAND. All connect Digital Video subscribers can enjoy On DEMAND. The digital set top box provided by Rainier Connect to Digital Video subscriber interacts/communicates with the servers located at Rainier Connect’s cable head end to stream and control movies. Certain subscription services and movies On DEMAND are available at additional cost.
If you already have an online account set up, simply visit SmartHub and sign in.
Online payments are free and allow you to pay your bill using your debit card or credit card. You can even set up automatic payments, or pay just one month at a time.
In order to publish your website you will need to setup an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client. We recommend FileZilla to get your feet wet. You can download it for Windows,Mac OSX, and Linux here Filezilla Download
Site Manager & Connecting
- Go to the menu and select File -> Site Manager
- Click the New Site button
- Right Panel -> General Tab:
- Host: Enter your domain name. ie For us it would be
- Login Type: Change this to Normal
- User: Enter your domain name again. ie
- Password: Enter your website password
- Right Panel -> Advanced Tab
- Default Local Directory: Click browse and select the directory on your computer that contains your website files
- Default Remote Directory: Type in /public_html
- Leave everything else default and click Connect
- That’s all there is to it! Next time you open FileZilla you just go to File -> Site Manager, select your site and click connect
What now?
So now that you are connected to your website it’s time to upload (update files on your site) your website. The left panel is your local computer and the right side is your server. Anything you put on the right side will be uploaded to your website. You can drag and drop files or directories between the panels to transfer files. Once you upload your website make sure your default page is named index.html. This will be the page that’s displayed when someone just goes to your domain without specifying a file ie