Go to www.speedtest.net and check out your speeds today! If you have any concerns, please contact Customer Care at 253.683.4100.
Voicemail Features for Digital Phone Service
To check Voicemail from an external phone:
1. Call the system: (253)262-1222
2. Enter your PIN
To check Voicemail from your Digital Phone:
1. Dial *98
2. Press 1 to listen to your voicemail or press 1 1 to listen to your emails and faxes
Mailbox Settings:
For any of the following options, press 4 to enter the Mailbox Setting Menu, then press # until you hear the option you’re looking for. Press 0 to enter the menu for your selection.
1. Out of hours greeting: Press 2 to select your Out of Hours greeting
2. Busy Greeting: Press 6 to select your busy greeting. Press * to leave your busy greeting as is
Change your PIN:
1. Press 1 to change your PIN, when prompted, enter a new PIN followed by #, when prompted, re-enter your new PIN followed by a #
Setting up Your Voicemail Account
Setup Instructions:
If logging into your account for the first time, please follow these instructions to set up your voicemail.
*Voicemail setup must be done over the phone.
1. Call the system: (253)262-1222.
2. Enter the Default PIN: 000000 + #
3. Create a new PIN and re-enter the new PIN to confirm. To cancel your PIN setup, press * at any time.
4. Record a Greeting. Your personal greeting must be 2 to 30 seconds long. Press 0 to change your new greeting. Press # to keep your new greeting.
5. Record your Name. Your recorded name must be under 10 seconds long. Press 0 to change your recorded name. Press # to keep your recorded name.
Congratulations you have successfully set up your Voicemail Account!
POP3 also known as Post Office Protocol, delivers all the mail from the server to your email client in a one-time pop. POP3 by default deletes the message from the server after delivering the messages to your email client on your computer. You can choose to leave a copy of the message on the server to be accessed at another time by another device such as your phone. There is no two-way synchronization between your device and the mail server.
-A local copy of your email on your actual computer
-Emails do not fill up your Webmail sever box
-No remote copy
-All mail is stored in one and only one place
IMAP also known as Internet Message Access Protocol, is a true two-way email management, any changes made in the IMAP client will synchronize with the server. This means that any email read on your email client will automatically appear as read when you check your account later via Webmail or on your desktop computer. Any messages or folders you read, move, or delete will be updated across all devices, so if you delete a message from a device such as your phone, it will be deleted from the server. No matter which client you use, you will see the same inbox, with the same settings. IMAP also supports offline use, so any changes made without an Internet connection will be updated when you connect to the server again. All messages are permanently stored on the server until purposely deleted.
-You can keep a local archive and be assured that a copy exists on the server
-You can access your email from any device with ease
-If you have limited space on the server Webmail, the Webmail box will fill up and messages to you may start bouncing back to the senders
-You need to be vigilant about checking your Webmail to ensure it does not fill completely up
When setting up an email client on your computer, keep these options in mind when you are asked whether you want to set your email up as POP3 or IMAP.
- Open Mail (click it on the Dock or open it from the Applications folder).
- If the “Welcome to Mail” assistant does not appear, choose Add Account from the File menu.
- Fill in the Full Name, Email address, and Password fields. Deselect “Automatically set up account” if it is enabled. Click Continue to proceed.
- Choose the proper Account Type.
- Give your account a description. It can be called whatever you want.
- Enter your Incoming Mail Server, mail.rainierconnect.com.
- User Name and Password. Click Continue to proceed.
- If prompted, enter your Incoming Mail Security settings. Click Continue to proceed.
- Enter the Outgoing Mail Server details mail.rainierconnect.com.
- Select “Use Password Authentication” and enter your User Name and Password. Click Continue to proceed.
- If prompted, enter your Outgoing Mail Security settings. Click Continue to proceed.
- Verify your settings in the Account Summary. Check “Take account online”. Click “Create” to complete the process.
After completing these steps you should be able to send and receive email via this account.
Mozilla Thunderbird Client
1. In Mozilla Thunderbird, from the Tools menu select Account Settings.
2. Select Email account, and then click Next.
3. Enter your name and e-mail address, and then click Next.
4. Select POP3 or IMAP as the type of incoming server you are using. Your incoming server is mail.rainierconnect.com. Click Next.
5. Enter your full e-mail address for the Incoming User Name, and Outgoing User Name. Click Next.
6. Enter a name for your email account and click Next.
7. Verify your account information and click Finish.
8. In the Account Settings window, select Outgoing Server listed below your new account in the left-hand column.
9. Type mail.rainierconnect.com for the Server Name and change the Port setting to 587.
10. Select Use name and password and enter your e-mail address. Thunderbird will ask you for your password the first time you try to send mail. Click OK.
11. Your Thunderbird Email account should be ready for use.
Are you currently experiencing intermittent connectivity or slow speeds?
If your cable modem is not found on the list below, there is a possibility that your modem is at the end of it’s life and needs to be replaced. Please contact customer care at 253.683.4100.
Always make sure you can return your cable modem to where you purchased it in case it turns out to be incompatible.
Lightcurve-approved cable modems for all service areas as of March 6, 2025.
Modem | Model | Channel Bonding Capabilities | DOCSIS Version | Max Supported Speed (Mbps) |
Arris | CM8200A | 32 x 8 | 3.1 | 1000/500 |
Arris | CM9200 | 32 x 8 | 3.1 | 2000/500 |
Arris | S33 | 32 x 8 | 3.1 | 2000/500 |
Arris | SB8200 | 32 x 8 | 3.1 | 1000/500 |
Arris | TM3402A | 32 x 8 | 3.1 | 1000/500 |
Arris | TM9202 | 32 x 8 | 3.1 | 2000/500 |
Hitron | CODA-57 | 32 x 8 | 3.1 | 2000/500 |
Actual speeds may vary depending on the number, performance, and configuration of the following:
- Connected PC or connecting PC (Gigabit Ethernet NIC required for 100M or higher)
- Hardware (Processor, Single Core, Multi-Core), RAM, Hard Drive (write speed capabilities)
- Router and connecting adapters (Gigabit Ethernet interface required for 100M or higher)
- Software application
- Website/Server Limitations (Not all speed test sites are capable of testing all speeds)