Seeing a problem on cable channels (e.g. ESPN, CNN USA) – Cable TV Issues
If you have a VCR, turn it off or push the TV/VCR button to put the VCR in the TV mode.
If you have an A/B switch, try both switch positions.
If you have a cable converter, verify that the converter is plugged in.
If you’re seeing a black screen, locate and adjust the brightness control.
If you’re seeing wavy or rolling lines on your screen, adjust the fine-tuning control on your TV set.
If you’re seeing a rolling picture, adjust the horizontal and vertical hold on your TV set.
If you’re seeing poor color or no color, adjust the “color” control on TV.
If you’re seeing a blue, green or red tint to picture, adjust the “tint” control on your TV set. If the picture is still poor, you can check to see if the problem is with the converter equipment by bypassing the converter and connecting the cable directly to your TV.
To do this, follow these steps:
Go to the back of the converter and TV set.
Disconnect the cable line going into the TV.
Disconnect the cable line going to the input (“in” or “cable in”) port on the converter.
Hookup the line disconnected in Step 2 to the antenna input on the TV. If the picture is clear after completing these steps, the converter may be faulty. You can return it to a customer service center for a new unit or call to schedule a service appointment to have the converter replaced. If the picture is still bad after completing these steps, call your Rainier Connect customer service representative for technical support.