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    Setup Windows Live Mail

    Setup Windows Live Mail


    Windows Live Mail

    1. Open Windows Live Mail and enter your full email address, email password and check Remember Password.  Display Name is the name you wish to have in the From field for you emails.

    2. At the bottom of the box, check Manually Configure Server Settings for Email Accounts and click Next.

    3.  On the Add an Email Account box, choose either POP3 or IMAP according to your preferences.  The Incoming Mail Server is and the Server Port Number will be either 110 (POP3), or 143 (IMAP).

    4. Choose Log On Using: Clear Text Authentication.  Log On ID is your full email address.  The Outgoing Mail Server is and the Server Port Number is 587.  Check My Outgoing Server Requires Authentication.

    5. Click Next, and then Finish.

    6. You should now be able to send and receive email

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